Make your surface safer

The most widespread self-contained transmitting vehicle unit for improving airport safety by broadcasting the position of ground vehicles (ADS-B squitter using GNSS).

SQUID Units complement and support NEO, multilateration and ADS-B systems, to identify and track any non-transponder equipped targets.

The design of the equipment ensures easy integration and interoperability with any multilateration or ADS-B system based on Mode S Extended Squitter datalink.


Key benefits

  • Full A-SMGCS exploitation
  • SAFETY enhancements under ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS
  • Improved situational awareness
  • Reduced incursion risk
  • Seamless integration with ADS-B and MULTILATERATION surveillance systems

Basic specifications

Carrier Frequency
1090 MHz
Output message format
Mode S reply DF18
Operating temperature
-40°C to +70°C
Relative humidity
Up to 100%

SQUID architecture



The SQUID Unit is small, lightweight and easy to install on any vehicle. The SQUID Unit consists of an electronic unit and antennas in a composite cover.

  • Low electromagnetic emissions
  • Small dimensions and weight
  • Low power consumption
  • Fully automated unattended operations

SQUID Components

SQUID Components can be configured in accordance with the specific requirements for permanent (fixed) or mobile (magnetic) unit holders.

  • Fully sealed/weather resistant cable and programming connector
  • Powered by the vehicle's own power system
  • Extremely easy installation - fixed or magnetic on the vehicle's roof (advantage of mobility of the unit)

SQUID Control and area management

SQUID fully supports the concept of "Area Management". The system allows operators to define discrete boundaries outside of which the SQUID unit will stop transmission.

  • Human Machine Interface (HMI)
  • Configuration of the key parameters starting from Mode S address and Call sign
  • Fast definition of the transmitting and
    non-transmitting areas

Case studies

Do you have questions?

Just drop us a line. We will answer as soon as possible.

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