In the age of advanced electronic systems, Electronic Warfare plays a significant role during military operations which are executed in an information environment increasingly complicated by the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.

ESM (Electronic Support Measures) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) tools, part of Electronic Warfare involving detection, identification and analysis of sources of radiated electromagnetic signals, represent immediate threat recognition leading to game-changing situations in military tactical warfare as well as long-term survey of electromagnetic emitters. In comparison with traditional radar, Passive ESM Tracker provides targets identification based on target emitter patterns (carrier frequency, pulse length, interpulse pattern, antenna steering). Thanks to the system's ability to link the target position with its electromagnetic pattern, the user of the PET system can follow modes of operation and the individual behaviour of the particular target. Long-term survey of particular emitters over a wide area makes possible a high readiness and accurate early warning against the identified enemy in case of a potential attack.


Key benefits

  • ELINT tool for Electronic Warfare operations
  • Immediate threat recognition
  • Tactical military operations as well as long-term survey of electromagnetic emitters
  • Detailed signal analysis maintaining internal, national or allied forces EW database
  • Fingerprinting capability

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