Corporate responsibility programme

Corporate responsibility

In connection with the corporate responsibility programme, ERA's main partner for this year has become Svítání, a school for children with special needs. ERA sponsors several charity events and projects for children as part of this partnership.

ERA has repeatedly subsidized the charity event “Pardubice Racquet”. The profit from the event is always donated to a non-profit organisation such as the shelter Klokanek for children with difficult life conditions, the paediatric rehabilitation centre LENTILKA for handicapped children with motor, psychomotor and autistic disorders or the Pardubice children's home.

Cooperation with educating institutions

Education and culture

ERA, which is in constant search of young talented people, subsidized the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering based in ERA's hometown, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of University of Pardubice and the Department of Air Defence Systems of the Faculty of Military Technology of the University of Defence in Brno. ERA also closely cooperates with the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communications (FEKT) of the Brno University of Technology (VUT). Support for activities such as school competitions and scientific conferences is part of ERA's official HR policy as well as cooperation with those institutions that have traditionally educated highly valued and needed experts.

ERA has had a long-term relationship with East Bohemian Theatre, the Pardubice city theatre. ERA traditionally subsidizes regional culture and educational institutions and has been perceived as a respected partner for six years.

Sponsorhips of athletes and sport events


ERA has become new titular partner of the best basketball team in the Czech Republic ERA Basketball Nymburk. Simultaneously the company support the talented youth of another basketball team BK JIP Pardubice called ERA Golden Talents. Thus, ERA subsidizes all three levels of this popular team sport: junior competitions, national league and European Champions League.

ERA has become the major partner of Golf Club resort Pardubice and its golf course in Bohdaneč Spa has carried the name ERA Golf Resort. ERA also sponsors other regional sport events such as summer “Sport Park” for children in Pardubice, bicycling competition for employees “On Bike to Work” and local futnet and volleyball tournaments.
