ERA Information System for Data Communication Management

ERIS-COMMS is an information system designed for SW data routing and advanced data dissemination to transfer data from VERA-NG or other sensors to destinations in data communication networks.

Providing an advanced data communication management, ERIS-COMMS can be deployed both at sensor sites as well as remote locations of the communication networks. Following the need to know principle, ERIS-COMMS is capable of restricting the sensitive data before transferring them to receiving parties.

The data transferred by ERIS-COMMS may be filtered based on parameters or geographic areas, subjected to sensitive information suppression, converted to other data format or recorded for later analysis.

Key features

  • Advanced data dissemination rules
    • Parametric filters
    • Geographic area filters
    • Data item suppression
  • Centralized data communication management
  • Format conversions for interoperability support
  • Data integrity check
  • Data recording, archiving and exports
  • Online monitoring and control

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