ERA has provided the WAM system for Fujairah Airport in UAE
Pardubice, July 1st, 2014 ERA announced that its Wide Area Multilateration system deployed at Fujairah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates has recently been approved by the local Civil Aviation Authority. The system is able to withstand extreme climatic environments in all operational capacities and has therefore been chosen for severe weather conditions and high outdoor temperature. ERA WAM system in Fujairah Airport is the first certified WAM system in the Middle East for ATC separation services in terminal and on-route airspace.
ERA was awarded the contract for supplying the system in 2011. The proposed hardware delivery and project services are intended to enhance the surveillance coverage of the airport Control Terminal Region up to 60 nautical miles. The Multi-sensor Surveillance System MSS for Fujairah WAM is a part of the family of ERA worldwide tested and proven multilateration systems and is based on distributed time architecture with GPS synchronization. The system consists of seven Ground Stations, each configured for a specific purpose: a receiver, interrogator, reference transponder, by selecting the required set of off-the-shelf modules.
ERA’s MSS ground station architecture consists of a number of these modules representing a single line replaceable unit and is built to perform in harsh outdoor conditions, particularly high temperatures. The stations are also completely dust proof in order to withstand the typical local environment of hot dry deserts. All the electronic units are housed in metallic cabinets with an outstanding protection level which meet the IP67 protection standards.
The heart of the system is the Central Processing Station (CPS) which performs multilateration calculation, target, data and system management. The concept is based on the highly reliable and fully redundant solution of Hewlett Packard. Since a number of the sensors are located at remote sites, the communication links, which are based on Canopy microwave solution by Motorola, were provided by ERA.
Data from WAM system was fused and tracked along with primary and secondary radar data to ALES ATM System as a part of an integrated Air Traffic Management and Control System.
About Fujairah International Airport
Fujairah International Airport is a full service airport located in the city of Fujairah, on the UAE east coast of the United Arab Emirates. The airport commenced operations in 1987 and has grown successfully by specialising in cargo, passenger and business aviation operations. It is also home to the thriving Fujairah Aviation Academy that provides flight instruction and ground school for pilots and engineers and is expanding into other aviation related education and training. Fujairah International Airport is an ISO accredited organisation. Website: www.fujairah-airport.com