ERA participated in the electronic warfare conference EW Europe in Stockholm, Sweden
ERA as traditionally participates and contributes to EW Europe, an Electronic Warfare (EW) exhibition and conference, this time in Stockholm. There is no doubt about the importance of the EW domain in today's conflicts, with the key also being its impact across other military areas which require more tight cooperation between industries, the military, and the governments of free world nations. Sweden is an excellent example of all of that. It was also in all probability the reason for the exceptional success of the exhibition with 80 exhibitors and a busy conference programme throughout the entire venue.
EW cross-domain impact and training was also an ERA topic for this event. ERA presented at its stand a unique and comprehensive EW Simulator as a means to easily, and in a short time and with less effort prepare EW personnel for passive surveillance sensors which is of high demand at present. In addition, the scenario prepared in the EW Simulator fit with the Swedish background and helped to explain during conference contribution the cross-domain role of Passive ESM Tracker (PET) VERA-NG in support of Air Defence (AD).
The contribution provided by Vojtech Stejskal explained how the PET sensor, with its unique properties, can support the Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) units in an absolutely passive manner over the entire GBAD cycle. In addition, how can several levels of integration support different GBAD tasks and how efficient can a combination of the active (radar) and passive (PET) component be against modern threats.
ERA thanks to its new simulator can deliver various scenarios reflecting the following themes or ERA experts can create any scenario on demand to create situations which might be extremely rare or almost impossible to find in the real environment, such as: navigation flights, dog fights, AWACS monitoring or border crossing. The training can be carried out using data from prepared scenarios for targets of all kinds – airborne, maritime or ground in different battlefields and terrains.