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ERA has been proud to host the meeting of EUROCAE WG-41 members

ERA has been proud to host the meeting of EUROCAE WG-41 members

EUROCAE Working Group 41 met in ERA HQ in Pardubice, Czech Republic, on 14 – 16 November 2023. The team of experts has continued its work preparing the new standard for A-SMGCS solutions within EUROCAE standardization processes.

While holding the workshop in ERA, experts from ANSPs, various global institutions and industrial bodies of several European countries (Eurocontrol, EASA, DFS to name a few) built upon the progress achieved during the last WG-41 meeting in Frankfurt in September.

The WG-41 members have incorporated the previous results - obtained while considering the range of system interfaces, use cases, associated data exchange requirements, etc. - into the new Interoperability standard for A‑SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System) and started ‘polishing’ the draft of the document for open consultation. The public release of the document describing the new standard for A‑SMGCS should follow in the near future.

ERA has been an active member of EUROCAE working groups for years, and its specialists regularly contribute as co-authors to creating standards for ATM. ERA expertise is welcomed thanks to its pioneering role in creating the multilateration technology; MLAT sensors are currently an integral part of any modern A‑SMGCS system ensuring airport safety worldwide.

The next meetings of WG-41 will be organized in London and Paris in January and April respectively. EUROCAE is the European leader in the development of worldwide recognised industry standards for aviation by coordinating European and global standardization.
