ERA has been a co-author of new EUROCAE standards for A‑SMGCS solutions. The last meeting of its WG-41 group was held in London
EUROCAE Working Group 41 met in London, the United Kingdom, on January 23 – 25, 2024, to further prepare the latest standards for Advanced - Surface Movement Guidance & Control Systems (A‑SMGCS).
The workshop number 111 of WG-41 was hosted by NATS, one of the UK's providers of air traffic control services, at Conrad St. James Hotel in central London.
The international team of EUROCAE experts, including ERA product manager, focused on finalizing the draft of an Interoperability standard for A-SMGCS to be ready for open consultation. Except the final touch on the document, the WG-41 team also has been working on Guidance Document for ED-128A standard, collecting input within discussions and brainstorming sessions.
Next meeting of WG-41 will be organized in mid- April. In the meantime, the members of the group will continue its cooperation on completing the draft of the above-mentioned standard via teleconferences.
EUROCAE is the European leader in the development of worldwide recognised industry standards for aviation by coordinating European and global standardisation processes.
NATS is a leading provider of air traffic control services, which handle over 2.5 million flights and 250 million passengers travelling over the UK and across the North Atlantic.