As airports become busier and more complex around the world, air navigation service providers (ANSPs) require a surveillance solution capable of addressing the serious risk of runway incursions and ground vehicle surveillance in critical areas.

NEO, along with ADS-B squitter beacon SQUID, provide surveillance of aircraft and ground vehicles required for surface movement surveillance as well as advanced-surface movement guidance and control systems (A- SMGCS) to deliver safe and efficient operations at any airport.

A-SMGCS combines mature multilateration technology with Surface Movement Radar (SMR). A-SMGCS provides enhancement for low visibility operations as well as for day-to-day operations by increasing safety and capacity.


Key benefits

  • Scalable solution - from Vehicle Tracking Surveillance (VTS) up to A-SMGCS
  • Increased safety and efficiency on the airport's surface
  • System design according to ED-117
  • Easy expandability to CTR (Control Tower Region), TMA (Terminal Manoeuvring Area) coverage
  • Suitable for remote towers concept
  • Proven surface surveillance verified and proven at dozens of airports

Case Studies

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